16 Dec 2014

20 Olympic weightlifting tips

20 Technique and Programming techniques to help you lift more weight

1. Get Olympic weightlifitng shoes - Not only does it provide a stable platform, it also adds a slight heel lift to help you squat lower.

2. Always use
hook grip - This type of grip will ensure you keep a strong hold of the bar. The last thing you want when attempting a personal best is for your grip to give out.

3. Tight back - Ensure you learn how to organise your spine, keep it neutral and stay tight.

4. Start low, stay low - Your hips should begin just above your knees. Don't stand up too early, keep the tension in your hamstrings.

5. Pull the bar into you - Engage those lats and keep the bar close to maintain vertical bar path.

6. Keep the knees out - Still tracking your toes, make sure that knees are pushed out. You don't want your knees pointing inwards when you're putting so much force through them.

7. Make bar contact at the hips - Increase leverage by pulling the bar into your hips. As Klokov would say, thrusting is for sex, pulling the bar to your hips is for snatch!

8. No jumping jacks - Ensure you know your jumping stance and landing stance. Jumping jack landings are not allowed on the platform!

9. Full extension on the pull  - Ankles, knees, hips should extend at the same time fully!

10. Long first pull - Slow and controlled pull from the floor, keep the hip hinged.

11. Get into the power position - Push your knees under the bar and make an upright torso. Externally rotate your shoulders.

12. Catch in a perfect deep squat - Make sure you work on your mobility to achieve a full, deep squat.

13. Elbows - Push them high during the catch in the clean. Lock out the elbows on the catch during the snatch and jerk.

14. Taller athletes can 'Toe-out' a bit more 

15. Lift heavier weights - If you technique is good, you'll really benefit from strengthening your back and doing heavier front squats.

16. Add heavy pulls - Following cleans/snatchs, be sure to add in clean/snatch pulls/shrugs with 90-110% of your 1 rep max. Drill your pull technique.

17. Strengthen your back - Add more bent over rows to your program. 

18. Get bigger  - Increased muscle mass = increased muscle strength. Combine this with good technique and you are on to a winner.

19. Reduce your conditioning for a few weeks/months and add heavier lifting if increasing personal bests at O lifts is your goal.

20. Record your lifts - Not only on paper to track progress, but actually video your lifts to identify any faults and weaknesses. 

Add in some of these tips and you will see results in the weight room.
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