20 May 2016

Everybody wants to get results, but nobody wants to work hard

Too many people expect too much from doing so little.

If you're reading this, you may be one of those people that I'm talking to. I've worked and trained in many different gyms, training many different people and observing a lot more; and if there is one thing that people who don't get results have in common, it is their lack of hard work and consistency. 

OK so you have taken the hardest step and joined a gym. You have then had your induction and maybe even booked a personal training session. You're in a great new place and you train 3 times per week for the first two weeks. You feel better, have more energy, but your holiday is in 4 weeks time and you haven't seen any visible changes yet. You begin to get disheartened and then your training frequency starts to die off. You go from actually getting out of breath in the first few training sessions, to barely building up a sweat. You keep telling yourself that just because you are in the gym, you will get that holiday body you joined the gym to get. Your poor eating habits resurface and your workouts go from 60 minutes to barely 30 minutes. Your lack of hard work and consistency has just wasted your time and your money. But this happens every year; you do the same thing each and every year and you get the same results. Why?

Don't complain about the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do.

Achieving results takes hard work and consistency. It requires a lot of effort in your training, over a long period of time. It requires sacrifices; not sleeping in and training before work or it requires you not go home from work and sit in front of the TV watching Walking Dead back to back. It requires you actively making healthy choices when you're in the supermarket. There is no need to stock up on fizzy drinks and junk food. Can you make those sacrifices? Can you get up and train at 6am? Can you work that hard? Because that is what it takes to get the results you want.

If you really want it, you will do it.  

If not, you will continue to do the same thing you have done every year. Leave it until the last minute, not achieve results and repeat. 

I want to help you! Email me, It's Free!

Have a good day,

Matt Healey
Professional Trainer

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