20 Aug 2014

No nonsense fat loss workout

No nonsense fat loss workout

Try this tough training session to shake things up a bit if you’re regularly training, or use it to put you back on track if you’ve fallen off.
When you enter the gym, take note of the time. I want you to complete the following session and leave the gym floor in 60 minutes or less. Make sure you take a watch with you, so you can time your rest periods, keep them to a 2 minutes or less between sections.
Warm up Core stability Strength Conditioning Cool down

10 minutes to complete:
-5 minutes cycle
-20 jumping jaks
-12 Squats
-12 Lunges
-12 Groiners
-10 Press ups
-20 Standing Leg curls
-20 Standing straight leg kicks
3 rounds of:
-45 seconds plank
-30 second side plank (each side)
-20 Bicycle abs

Complete 30 reps of each of the following in as little sets as possible:
-Lunges (20kg and up)
-Pull ups/assisted pull ups or Rack rows

Every minute on the minute complete:
-5 dumbbell squat press
- 3 burpees (chest to floor with a jump)
For 15 minutes

10 minutes to complete:
-5 minute walk on treadmill
-Total body stretches

There it is... Get to the gym, get it done, no excuses.



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