24 Feb 2015

Four of the best lower body exercises you're not doing

Are these the best lower body exercises you're not doing? 

Sumo dead lift
You may already be performing the regular deadlift into your program, but sometimes you may be over compensating for weak glutes or hamstrings. This causes many people to over use their lower back. The sumo deadlift ensures that you work the muscles that may be neglected like the glutes, hamstrings and adductors. You'll want to use a fairly heavy weight and complete about 8-12 reps for 3 or 4 sets

Dumbbell thruster 
The thruster is probably the complete package. Incorporating a full squat, with a powerful drive into an overhead press, what more could you want. This one can be used for conditioning too so you can either go light and work for time, or add a little extra weight to challenge your leg and shoulder drive.

Barbell hip bridge
The daddy of all Glute exercises, the hip bridge is a brilliant exercise to build strength in the often neglected butt muscles. Not only does this improve posterior chain strength, it will also help to bring your pelvis into neutral alignment, often helping to correct lower back problems from excessive lumbar spine extension. Be careful not to do just that (excessive lumbar extension) during this exercise, ensure you use your glutes and hamstrings throughout. 

Jump lunges
I'm sure you've all seen this one; and I'm confident it gets omitted from your program because it hurts! Provided you have good knee control from doing exercises like the 3 above, this is a fantastic move that will increase lower body power and explosiveness. You only to do about 6 reps each leg per set, with longer rest periods in between. 

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Synergy Fitness Systems

About the author
Matthew Healey is a qualified personal trainer and sports therapist. Matt is the owner of Synergy Fitness Systems in the UK which has been helping people change their body and improve human and sports performance for several years.
Matt has worked with many different types of clients from professional athletes, to recreational sports people to the general fitness population.
Matt has extensive experience in the fitness industry and has worked in many different settings including a top human performance centre in San Diego owned by Todd Durkin as well as working with sports teams and individual athletes and clients.
Matt’s area of interest is human and sports performance, and injury prevention and rehabilitation. At Synergy Fitness Systems, Matt focusses on improving the function, efficiency and performance of each of his clients and athletes.   

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