1 Feb 2015

Strengthen your core and abs with the barbell roll out

The barbell roll out is one of the best core exercises you can do.

This exercise focuses on working the core through anti extension. 

How does it work?
Your core muscles are being challenged to resist too much extension and it is really effective at building core strength and stability. It also gives your abs a good workout as they are being tested eccentrically.

How to do it
Set up a cushion or mat to kneel on. Then take a barbell and put two weight plates on either side. Hold the barbell at about shoulder width and brace your core. Slowly roll the bar out in front whilst maintaining a solid plank. Contract the abs when you are at your full length and bring the bar back towards your legs. 

What not to do
DO NOT go too far if you cannot even hold a plank. If you are too unstable, you could injure your lower back. 

If you are struggling with this one, then try using the TRX or a gym ball and perform the same movement.

So try this out and let me know what you think 

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Have a good day


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