10 Jun 2015

Fix your posture with this workout for desk jockeys

Sit at a desk all day? Do you travel a lot? Try this workout to fix your posture and free your body from the dreading seated position.

- Foam roller: Calves, quads, glutes, thoracic spine (double massage ball), & pecs (single ball) 

- Warm up: 10x lunges, 10x squats, 10x lateral lunges, inch worms x10, bar hang x 30 secs, 10x band splitter

Prehab work (3 sets)
A1 Lateral band walk x12 /side
A2 Band external rotation x12 /side
A3 Side plank 30 secs /side

Strength & conditioning (3 sets)
A1 Back squat x8 
A2 Ring or TRX row x8
A3 1/2 kneeling cable chop x12 /side

B1 Stiff leg deadlift x8
B2 Single arm dumbbell row x8 /arm
B3 Cable anti core rotation x12 /side 

C1 Prowler push 4x30 metres (60 seconds rest in between) 

If you want help with you're programming, contact me for your very own personalised online program. Complete with videos showing you exactly what to do, you can have your own program so you can focus on your goals. 

For more daily sports rehab and fitness advice visit facebook.com/SynergyFitnessSystems

Or for discounts on protein, fat burners, pre workouts and more, go to facebook.com/SportsNutritionDiscounts 

Instagram @SynergyFitSystems

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