11 Jun 2015

Recovery is king

During the NBA finals, or any other elite sporting championship game or series, the players' performance levels are so high that the recovery protocols need to match. 

In the case of the current 2015 NBA finals, Lebron James is leading the pack by scoring and assisting at the highest possible level. But how can he do this consistently? How can Lebron stay at peak physical condition game after game with only a short period of time in between each match? 

One word...RECOVERY. Recovery is critical for maintaining elite performance levels in sport and the report below demonstrates just how much effort is out into recovery regimes.

For more tips and advice about recovery techniques, injury prevention and sports rehabilitation then check us out at Facebook.com/SynergyFitnessSystems 

Or for discounts on protein, fat burners, creatine and more go to Facebook.com/SportsNutritionDiscounts 

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