16 Sept 2015

3 secrets to actually burning fat and building a six pack

You want to bring out those abs? Then you have to do what others won't do! Just read on...

Most people will not:
- Work hard enough to actually burn enough calories to reduce body fat
- Work smart enough to actually burn enough calories to reduce body fat
- Work on nutritional habits to optimise body composition

Here's what you need to do:
1. Add strength training - The stronger you are, the more weight you can shift. The more weight you can shift, the more muscle mass you can build. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest....sounds simple right?
My recommendations:



Pull ups

Push ups

2. Add cardio - Yes cardio! It's taken a serious hit over the past few years but you still want to have this in your program, not so much for the "Fat burning zone", but for the benefit of aerobic fitness. The reason why this is necessary for fat loss is purely to reduce recovery times. The fitter you are, the quicker you recover, and the more efficient you can make your workouts and the more calories you will use.
My recommendations:



Jump squats

3. NUTRITION! - The most important factor in fat loss. If your goal is to reduce your body fat percentage then you need to look closely at your current food intake. Simple adjustments can make a huge difference. What you need to focus on:
- Calorie consumption: Being in a calorie deficit is ideal for fat loss. However, eating 3 doughnuts instead of 5 a day isn't the best idea. Food quality is still key. 
- Macronutrients - Getting the right balance is key here. When adding food to your plate consider a protein first, then add greens, and finally a fist sized portion of carbs. 
- Nutrient timing - For fat loss, consuming carbohydrates around your workout is ideal (preferably post workout). 

For your own workout plan with video instructions just like the videos above, all accessed through our app, email me today! synergyfitnesssystems@gmail.com or CLICK HERE

I hope this has helped and please feel free to send me more questions via FacebookTwitter, Instagram or on Youtube 

If you thought this helped, share with a friend - I'd be grateful for it.

If you want me to help you reduce your body fat and build muscle, I have an amazing offer for you! 
CLICK HERE for more information 

Have a good day

Fitness & Performance coach

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