17 Sept 2015

5 Deadlift variations for maximum strength gains

The Deadlift is an absolutely fantastic exercise to help build strength, better your posture, improve your body composition as well as just looking like a mean exercise. 

The deadlift is so simple; you just lift a heavy weight from the floor and put it back down again. But it is so effective.

This move can be used in a few different ways to target slightly different muscles and produce a slightly different stimulus to grow muscle and build strength.

Here are 5 different variations you could try:

1. Double Kettlebell deadlift:

2. Barbell deadlift

3. Sumo deadlift

4. Romanian deadlift

5. Single leg Romanian deadlift

If you're trying to build strength and improve your overall body composition, you should include most of the above exercises into your training program.

For your own workout plan with video instructions just like the videos above, all accessed through our app, email me today! synergyfitnesssystems@gmail.com or CLICK HERE

I hope this has helped and please feel free to send me more questions via FacebookTwitter, Instagram or on Youtube 

If you thought this helped, share with a friend - I'd be grateful for it.

If you want me to help you reduce your body fat and build muscle, I have an amazing offer for you! 
CLICK HERE for more information 

Have a good day

Fitness & Performance coach

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