13 Sept 2015

Burn Fat & build muscle | Advanced fat loss workout

Good Morning from Brisbane, Australia, 

I had a question from a Facebook follower asking if I could give them some advice on burning fat and building muscle. 

Now it is difficult to do both at once, however, by training all the fibre types in the muscle, it is possible to maximise fat loss whilst maintaining strength and muscle. 

So here is a lower body circuit focussing on training all muscle fibre types in one circuit. The circuit below is also quite advanced as it involves 6 exercises. This circuit could easily be broken down into two separate circuit as follows:

Knee/quad dominant:
A1 - Back squat x6 reps
A2 - Hack squat x12 reps
A3 - Leg extension x25 reps

Hip dominant:
B1 - Deadlift x6 reps
B2 - RDL x12 reps
B3 - Hamstring curl x25 reps

I hope this has helped and please feel free to send me more questions via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or on Youtube 

If you thought this helped, share with a friend - I'd be grateful for it.

If you want me to help you reduce your body fat and build muscle, I have an amazing offer for you! 
CLICK HERE for more information 

Have a good day

Fitness & Performance coach

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